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【升本资料】   2015-10-20 11:27:28 作者:小于  浏览:3734

1. About ________ of the workers in that factory are young people.

A. second- thirds       B. two- threes           C. two- thirds           D. two- third

2. ________ words have been written about young people in the United State.

A. Millions of           B. Five millions        C. Millions              D. Five millions of

3. Our teacher said that today’s homework was to write ________ about our school.

A. a six-hundred-word composition  

B. a six-hundred-word’s composition

C. a six-hundred-words composition

D. a six-hundreds-word composition

4. My sister had worked in that company for ________ before she came here.

A. one and a half years                            B. one and a half year

C. one and half year                              D. half and one year

5. I’ll finish off this dress in________; I’m just giving it the last finishing touches.

A. one minute or two                            B. two of one minutes

C. two minutes or one                            D. one or two minutes

6. The new road is ________ the old one.

A. three times wide as                            B. three times wider of

C. three times the width of                       D. as three times wide

7. Take this medicine with warm water________.

A. every two day      B. every second days                                 C. each two day        D. every two days

8. He loves parties. He is always ________ to come and ________ to leave.

A. the first; the last   B. first; last              C. the first; last         D. first; the last

9. ________ I saw my English teacher, I thought her kind and beautiful.

A. The first time       B. First time             C. For the first       D. At the first time

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